Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day 1950

Louise wore her hat with style. What a contrast to Dad's beat-up farming hat. This was the Mother's Day that we were all prepared to go to Stake Conference in Cowley, and the neighbor's cows got in the strawberries. Exit Daddy to save the berries, and the rest of us went to Church. At least he could smile by the time we took pictures! Happy Mother's Day, Mom.


  1. Do I ever remember the emotions of that Sunday. Either way, Mother was overwhelmed. Bless Louise for the flowers. And bless Mother for just keeping the family going that day. And bless Dad for protecting what little we had.

  2. Amen! It was going to be such a perfect day - and in the end it was because we all survived, the strawberries weren't totally ruined and I don't remember Mother ever having a corsage before. That was absolutely magical.

  3. I fixed this but I can't get the blasted underline off. Will keep fiddling with.

  4. Not necessary - I just revised what I had written, and it's all okay. Thanks for your magic on the picture!
