Saturday, May 24, 2008

Minnie Wasden Blood Elementary Education Scholarship Endowment at Northwest College

This note will bring you all up to date on the status of the Minnie Wasden Blood Elementary Education Scholarship Endowment fund at Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming.  Thus far, a total of $2400 has been contributed to the fund.  I committed to have the necessary $5000 minimum required for state matching by about two years from now.  The State of Wyoming will match the $5000 from private donors, creating a total scholarship endowment of $10,000.  This isn't a fortune, but a few hundred dollars per year to help some Wyoming small-town student who wants to be an elementary school teacher is something I think Mother would approve of.  (As opposed to telling all the rest of the family secrets on the blog for all the world to see). I'm hoping we can even exceed the $5000, and, of course, we can always add to it in the future.  

If any family member (or anyone else, for that matter) is interested in honoring Mother's great legacy as an elementary school teacher, a contribution of any amount is welcome, $50, $100, or whatever.  The check should be made out to "Northwest College Foundation:  Minnie Wasden Blood Scholarship".  Mail to
Northwest College Foundation
231 West Sixth Street
Powell, WY 82435
Attn: Shelby Wetzel, Executive Director

Let me know if you have any questions.  Dwight.


  1. Dwight, thanks for bringing us up to date on this memorial to our mother. I believe that you have been the lone contributor or almost so. The rest of us are stuck on a "round to it". Many small contributors could make a difference.

  2. I needed this reminder. Thanks for the memory jog.
