Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wasden Family Get-together

From the looks of the weather, this must have been a March 9th anniversary picture. I've tried to figure out who is who, see if I'm correct, and supply the missing names:
Back row, l to r, Ed Johnson, Mother, George, Orville, Dad, Alvin, Oscar
Middle row, l to r, Jerrold Johnson, big space, Delilah, Alva, Grandma, Elna, with Grandpa in front, and Sofe with Alvin, Jr. (Bun).
Front row: Elizabeth, Louise, Annella, Peggy, Dwight, Dean, Stan, Cal
Those of you with sharper eyes and better detective skills will probably figure this out.


  1. What a super picture. I love the picture of Orvil. Wasn't he often called "happy". The pictures I have seen of him make me smile. On the names - you do have an incredible memory - I wouldn't have had any idea.

  2. As to the names, it was by guess and by golly - trying to work dates and faces together, with Judy's help, and the genealogy sheets. Hope we got it right?
