Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Best and Favorite Teacher

I have loved the pictures of Mother that have been posted and Dwight's inclusion of his Chapter about Mother. What sweet memories! As I have thought about Mother today, I long for a series of "Do-Overs". She was my best and favorite teacher and this picture is representative of some of my favorite moments with her - although I suspect there was more than once I made her really wonder if she was getting through at all. I would like to "do-over" (in order to do it less rather than more) some of the naughty times, some of the kicking against the prick times, some of the "why do I need to learn this" times, and some of the "I don't want to talk about it" times, just to name a few. I would like to listen more, realize that she really did know what she was talking about more, and tell her "I love you" more. I treasure the relationship the six of us (siblings) have and I think Mother would be pleased - and maybe "do-overs" aren't necessary, but they would, perhaps, help clear my conscience. I am thankful for my heritage, for my parents and for an eternal family. Happy Mother's Day to all.


  1. One thing about Mother in her teaching moments - she could cut right to the nub of the situation without going around in circles, and she could get you to see things far more clearly than before. That is a terrific parenting talent.

  2. I also wish for a few "do-overs". But in this case with Mother and Ann, I would say that the slate is clean.
