Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday afternoon

Left to right, Louise, Dad, Mother, Elizabeth, and in front, Judy, Steve, and Scratchy, the cat.
Dwight took the picture. Ann was still sick and not allowed to be outdoors. I love the chickens in the background! Taken around 1949?


  1. Is there any chance this picture was taken the same day as the one that is posted of just Mom and Dad (both are wearing the same clothes - which were their only Sunday clothes). Just a thought - however there aren't any chickens in the background of the picture that is of Mom and Dad.

  2. Check out Louise's shoes! They were black suede and very glamorous. Elizabeth must have been the only one working on dinner/dishes since she is wearing an apron which was required to save on clothes washing. Mostly we stayed in Sunday clothes for the entire day since we went to church again in the afternoon. The fact that Ann is not in the picture, tells another story.

  3. Like Ann, I, too, think that this picture was taken the same day as the one of Mother and Daddy. Love the shoes.

  4. What good memories you all have. I vaguely remember seeing this picture at one time. I'd forgotten the circumstances about Ann. The shoes also caught my eye. I had forgotten about those shoes. I wish I could remember when I had them, it would help date the picture. It was amazing that I found such fancy shoes in my size, I mostly had to settle for oxfords.

  5. There is another picture of Steve and me on the porch with a cat (of course). Steve is wearing the same outfit and somewhere in my very confused memory, I think that was one of my first days outside after being so sick - I suspect that is why there is even a hint of a memory - because I finally got to go outside. So, if we can pretend the pictures were take around the same time, (I can't imagine Steve staying one size for very long, therefore he wouldn't have been able to wear that very snappy looking outfit for very long), perhaps that will help date those pictures. I started school in 1948, so these pictures would have been taken somewhere around 1946. What do you think?

  6. Who took this photo? Must have been after I left home in January 1950? And who cares about shoes?

  7. I think Sorensens took these pictures because there is another picture with some of the Sorensen kids standing on the porch with possibly Steve and me. Judy? Hmmm - I have seen the picture before, but I am not sure where. Or maybe not????
