Friday, May 23, 2008

A New Tanner/Great Grandson for our Parents

We just got this email from Nathan that includes a link to their family blog and pictures of a new Tanner. Forgive me for using the blog for this, but sometimes it is fun to share something in the here and now. Needless to say we are trying to find a way to take a Sunday drive to Petaluma.

Dear Family...Bridget and I are happy to
announce that another Tanner has made its way into the
world. Jonah Russell Tanner was born on Wednesday May
21st at 2:55pm. He weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 19"long.
He is healthy and strong and Bridget is recovering
well. Everyone is home now and I am taking the next
week off work. Instead of pics attached to this
e-mail we posted some on the family blog at

We hope everyone is well, healthy and safe...all our

Nate, Bridget, Jack, Jonah, & Lucy


  1. Congratulations to Nathan, Bridget, and Jack (Lucy? Is that the dog?) Baby looks healthy and handsome. And, now I know who visits the blog from Petaluma. And, Ann, this is a very good use of the blog. As Dwight says, today's events are tomorrow's history.

  2. Yes, Lucy is the dog. She is an incredible, but very big dog.

  3. Without the blog, it would have been days?, weeks?, months? before we would have seen a photo of this sweet baby. I love being able to send our congratulations to you all and feel more a part of whats going on.
