Sunday, June 1, 2008

1953-Letter from Dad

Shucks! I thought I was posting this letter in the correct order. Actually the second page is the first page of the letter. Dad would sure get discouraged about farming. I was so homesick that first summer away from home in 1953 that, if Dwight and Velna hadn't still been in Laramie, I think I would have dried up and blown away. Fortunately, it got better in time, but home was always a wonderful, safe haven to me. We were aware of the financial struggles over the years, but it seemed like we always eked through.


  1. Dad's letters were few and far between. Some years really were discouraging, but somehow Mother and Dad made it work. I suspect that lesson of survival has been valuable for all of us.

  2. Letters like this help us to understand.

  3. I was sure that Dwight would rise to the occasion, with the description of moving the animals, partciularly the pigs!

  4. Elizabeth's comment about moving the pigs does bring back quite a memory for me. When it would come time to move the pigs, Dad would come and get me to help. I was never quite sure if it was because he thought I could charm the pigs (what a compliment!), which is what he would claim, or because if I was around, he didn't lose his temper quite as bad. Funny memory.
