Sunday, June 1, 2008

Judy and Dad, summer of 1955

Seeing the Billings picture (we did dress up to go to the big city), I remembered these pictures of Judy and Judy and Dad on the front porch at home in Penrose. Judy was so proud of this dress, but she did share. She let me wear it to Riverton when Dad and I went down to look for a place for me to live for my first year of teaching school (1955). Looking very mature for 15, wouldn't you say? But Judy always was a classy dresser.


  1. I felt so honored to have my picture taken with Dad. I always thought him to be very handsome, especially dressed up on Sunday with a hint of Old Spice.

  2. Judy, your comment about Old Spice brings back a "scent memory" that is so strong. This picture is a perfect Dad/daughter picture.
