Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I couldn't resist

It was fun to dig this out. Judy and I had the same first grade teacher, Ruth Coe , if I am remembering correctly. She wrote to me until the year I got married. She never married and had moved to Las Vegas, after she left Powell.
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  1. Did I count correctly? 37 angelic first graders all in one room? Miss Coe must have been an angel. Actually, you and Joe Giles are the only two I recognize. You look so innocent!

  2. I'm not sure if this was the first year for Parkside. I do remember Judy was in Miss Myrdal (oh, that doesn't look right,Judy will have to correct the spelling on that one)for 4th grade this same year, so we were both at Parkside. Can you find Shirley Bloomfield and Dorothy Roper? Check in front of Miss Coe and on the front row.

  3. Miss Coe and Miss Pilling, (my second grade teacher) were friends and they were two of a kind. Ann and I were so blessed to have been taught by their gentle ways.

    You are wearing "the" jumper that Elizabeth says was hers originally. Pigtails were perfect for your very fine hair. What a cutie.

    I loved that year at Parkside with you. One thing that I remember is that you could roller skate on that long sidewalk to the north of the school and that I didn't know how. You got my respect!

  4. Ah, but my roller skating earned me the nickname of "dirty knees" because they were always so bruised, covered with scabs, etc. However, Judy's friends (I think it was Wayne Dawson, among others), would hold onto my pigtails as I skated. Was that harassment, or what???

  5. Right on about the jumper. It was gray, with wooden buttons that had some red flowers painted on them. I got the jumper for Christmas when I was in the 4th grade (Mother must have remodeled it?) She saved some of the buttons for me, and I have them in my button collection. Also, after I, Judy, and Ann wore the jumper, Mother put it away, and later made it into a smaller straight jumper for Dorothy when she was bout 3 years old. That's true recycling!

  6. I don't have a first grade photo. There were 55 pupils in my first grade class, Miss Shinn, first door on the right after going in the front door. What's impressive about this picture: The teacher is wearing classy clothes, which they never do any more, and the little girls all look like little girls with cute dresses. Now everyone wears tee shirts and jeans, teachers, girls, boys, and all.

  7. Poor Miss Shinn. I can't imagine trying to teach that many first graders. And the dresses - I remember when, in the cold of winter, we would have to wear those ugly long stockings and wear our jeans or long pants of some kind under our dresses, to protect our legs from the cold. But certainly the attitude in the classroom in those days was much more respectful than it is today.

  8. There could not have been 55 students in Dwight's first grade class. He is pulling our leg....once again.

  9. sorry Judy, the 55 is right; there were two regular 1st grades with about the same number, and a third with about 25 students, all Mexicans. Talk about discrimination. I saw the clipping from the PT with the class numbers that a classmate sent me a few years ago.

  10. How did you ever survive in that class. It would have taken a Miss Shinn to rule in that room. Is this why teachers' unions were organzied? Sorry to have doubted you, Dwight.

  11. I just had a funny memory about my first grade year. One day Judy was sick and I was supposed to tell Miss Myrdal so I went into Judy's class room, feeling very grown up, and delivered the message. When I was asked for more details, I informed her teacher that she had a belly ache. I was quickly advised that it was improper to say that and the correct form was to call it a stomach ache. I could never understand the difference.
    Judy always looked out for me, and I felt very safe having her just down the hall from me. If I remember right, her class was the first class on the left just inside the west doors, and my class was down the hall about midway, on the left side, just across from the bathroom. How's that for a fuzzy memory?
