Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another Mystery Picture

I know that Grandma and Grandpa Wasden are the two on the left - who is everyone else. The glare in front almost eliminates identification of the woman seated on the "almost" porch. I'm getting the impression that our grandmother was sassier than I remember. And Grandpa's glasses look like sunlgasses.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Penrose Relief Society

This picture came from Aunt Cindy's photograph album that I inherited. I've tried to figure out the time period - must have been in the early late 30's or early 40's? (Since Mother wasn't in the picture, I would guess that we were either living in Cody, or in Ralston when this picture was taken.) We don't have too many pictures of Grandma during this period of time, so this picture is special for that - also, to see some of the people we knew later is of interest. I played with Larry Hogg a few times when Mother would visit with his mother. He sent me valentines on Valentine's Day for a few years after they moved away from Penrose to California - I remember hearing Daddy telling Mother that Larry had died by hiding in a refrigerator and suffocating to death. Sad story. But, back to better thoughts. I was pleased to find Grandma's handwriting on the back of the picture - sorry about the glue that discolors part of the back. Anyone have an idea whose house this was?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Other Three Graces

This picture seems appropriate for this day - we just needed Judy to be included. Remember the photo of Ann, Judy, and Elizabeth (me) in Judy's kitchen. Where and when was this picture taken? It must be quite old, because I'm wearing earrings, and I haven't been able to do that for years because of allergies. To get back to why this picture is appropriate, it is because tomorrow is the day for Louise's knee replacement surgery, and we want her to know that her sisters (and brothers) want to provide her with all the support we can muster. We hope that all will go well, and that recovery will be quick.

Sarah Batty Hawkins Blood (Great-Grandmother) and Russell Marion Blood

This picture was taken at Red Rocks just outside of Denver, Colorado. The faces were so dark in the little photo that I had to lighten the entire picture to see part of the features. Be sure to enlarge this one. You can see that our great-grandmother's face is just as narrow as the face in the girl in the picture that Betty Sullivan sent to us. And how about Dad's dress? He wasn't old enough for "long" pants.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Historical Family Photo

This is another photo Betty Sullivan has shared with us and has identified it as Mabel Claire Blood, who is a sister to Roscoe Blood. Mabel is Betty's Grandmother and our Great Aunt (I think I have this correct). Elizabeth, please fix this if I have gotten it mixed up. Thank you again, Betty, for sharing this wonderful photo.

An Amazing Find

If you have been going through any of the Blood genealogy, the name Sarah Batty Hawkins will be a familiar name. Some of us have been searching (some more diligently than others these days - such as Judy's Shannon) for pieces that will help to clear up a few of the mysteries of our family from long ago. Over the years we have communicated with Betty Sullivan, an amazing researcher and a relative from Dad's (Russell Blood) side of the family. Through her research, Betty has found this picture of Sarah Batty Hawkins, who married Moses Blood and who are the parents of Roscoe, who is the father of Russell - and you know the rest of the story.
So, thanks to Betty, we have this photo of someone none of us knew, but who is an important piece of our past.

Who Am I?

This is a picture I just found in my "stuff". I think I know who some of these people are, but a more definite identification would be appreciated. Was this taken in Gunnison? After Grandpa's mission? Etc.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to Judy, Part II

This garden decoration, a gift of one of Judy's grandchildren, well epitomizes the more colorful side of our sister - she is truly creative in all of her undertakings - and a little zany at times, too.
These pictures were taken a couple of years ago - if only all of us could age as gracefully as Judy has.

I have to explain why I have two postings for Judy's birthday greetings - I had a wrangle with blogspot and retrieveing my pictures - but that got resolved, and I could continue. Judy is five years younger than I am (telling secrets), but she has been a wonderful and loyal friend through all of the years. I can never forget "Come back, Shane", and "I know a dark secluded place..." or her "I hate you, I l-o-a-t-h-e (made to sound like love) you." Sounds stupid, but we used to laugh so much - and still have over the years. When we lived in Washington and Judy was working, she sometimes showed up on my doorstep because she had to make a run to Costco for office supplies, so we would go shopping together. And Judy's influence on me has been profound - like the year we visited her friend, Ruth Wick, and ended up with 450 rhodie and azaela cuttings, which I ended up potting up and raising to maturity. Our yards did not want for beautiful plants. Or we would go fabric shopping and I would be at the counter checking out and Judy would be putting her bolts back on the shelf. It always amazed me when Judy, Ann, and I lived so far apart, and we would get together and compare notes about dress patterns and fabric, and find we had the same thing. Something in the genes, I guess. Anyway, Judy has been a wonderful friend, sympathetic (empathic) listener, amazing example for me through the years. I loved it that when I was at her house and answered the phone, that people couldn't tell our voices apart. And people used to take my parenting class and watch me with a puzzled look on their faces because I reminded them of someone they knew - and it always turned out to be Judy. May your day be heaped with love and good wishes, and may you overcome the slugs in the garden. Much love to you!

Happy, Happy Birthday to Judy!

She was so grand in 1955 - Her sewing prowess was already in evidence, and the pose on the front porch
showed a lovely young woman. (How's that for ingratiating myself?) But this is the occupation that Judy will be remembered for - her beautiful garden!

Happy Birthday Judy

How fortunate I have been to have Judy for one of my sisters. She has been a great example and such a dear friend. She has endured the years of listening to me dream my dreams without judgment and has shared her life with me in a way that has helped me be a better person (and if that didn't happen it isn't because she hasn't tried). This photo was taken in 1960 (?) as Judy and Bob moved from their very tiny apartment in Provo to Washington State by way of Penrose.

This is not a great picture for clarity, but it definitely shows a spirited side of Judy (in other words, the REAL Judy). We both had a skirt like she is wearing, and what fun they were to wear. If you note, our school books are sitting on the porch, so perhaps this was a first day of school picture for Judy's senior year???? Also, the rose bushes behind us were instigated by Judy and a home ec. project she took on. Thanks to her, the roses added a nice touch and were the beginning of flower beds that eventually went around the corner and along the south side of the house, just a little.

Remember how we would play "burn out" catch with Dad? This must have been Judy's turn, and the pickup must have been playing back stop.

None of these pictures are terribly clear, but they are full of happy memories of someone very special in my life. Happy Birthday, Judy. Love you lots.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Penrose 2009

Kemp took this picture when he visited Penrose this last winter. At first glance, I did not recognize the picture as THE house. The hills seem too close and the light pole is in the wrong place. And what a smooth graveled lane. And in general though, it is still an inviting place to live, love and stay warm from the cold wind.

Easter - too late!

How did we miss this one? Easter is long past, but this is one of the classic pictures of the egg-dyeing process. We all had so much fun coloring the hard-boiled eggs, and then taking turns hiding them and finding them. I seem to recall a time in Ralston, though, when somebody began quarreling over the eggs, and the whole batch ended up being tossed because our father was not too happy about the goings on - anyone else remember that time? (And, remember, Ann, Mother loved Judy best because we both had pigtails and Judy had curls.)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Baby Chicks -

Baby chicks came with the stirrings of spring. Sometimes Ez Lewis, the mailman, brought them, having to drive up to the house to deliver them, and sometimes Mother had to pick them up at the tiny Garland post office with Jo Bob Cubbage in charge. Can you imagine being the mailman on delivery day, and having to drive about the country side with boxes of baby chicks making all the peeping noise that they did - or being in that tiny post office with boxes of baby chicks. The mystery to me is the question of where Mother ordered them from. Montgomery Ward? Does anyone know? All I remember is that the little black chicken house had to be heated, and Mother carefully kept the bottles of water full, and plenty of feed so the chicks could grow. The rounded thin board kept the chicks together and the heat in near the floor. We loved the fluffy, yellow babies, and were allowed to hold one now and then. As the chicks grew into pullets, some were winnowed out for meat and butchered and bottled, and some were allowed to grow big to become the layers for the year. I remember that when we lived in Ralston, we had one hen who escaped the hen house, and produced her own little band of babies, who followed her around the yard in single file as she paraded them for our appreciation. And one year in Penrose, the chicks began to sicken and die - Mother pursued the cause, and determined that it was the Pip - an acronym that eludes memory as to the full name of the disease, but remains a family word for anyone who is sick of an undetermined cause. We've all had the PIP now and then.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just a Few Snow Flurries

This is just an update to yesterday's post. By this morning we had 17" of snow. The snowblowers are going around the neighborhood, the snow plow has been out trying to clear some of the roads, and it is projected there will be more of the same today. Guess I will wait to work in the flower beds.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When It's Springtime in the Rockies

Remember how we would sing about "popcorn popping on the apricot tree"? Somehow this is not what should be happening outside on April 15. Dwight, perhaps you will want to stay in St. George a little longer. And how do you suppose Steve and Mary Lynn's trip is going? It is definitely a day for staying home and dreaming of the sunshine that is promised for the weekend.
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Shoshone Furniture

A little while before the cat postings began, I posted a picture of one of Dad's lamps/shades Kristen and Matt found living in a friend's home in Brigham City. This past week Kristen received these pictures of the furniture that the same family (owners of the lamp/shade) have. These pieces were bought at the same time and place as the lamp/shade. For those of you who have the Molesworth Book, you can check out the similarities. The family was not able to locate any marking on the furniture, but there wasn't time for them to pull the bed apart to look. I talked with Steve and his suspicion, without seeing these pictures, was Dad probably did not make the furniture. However, the similarities to the construction of the pole chairs, and other things that lived in our home seem to be there. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Morning Comes

Just a little note - At last it looks like I've had the last word on the blog comments - and I won't tell anyone which posting it's on, but I had to keep up with Dwight - keep looking. In the meantime, I'll give you a sunrise to go with it.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Keep the Home Fire Burning

Whose turn is it to bring in a load of coal from the coal shed? Got to keep the fire going so the stove can keep us warm, cook the dinner, bake the bread, and heat water for washday and Saturday night baths. This coal bucket stood sentinal beside the stove, ready to feed the fire's hungry mouth.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Speaking of Opening Doors

If you are interested in making the blog into a book, check out . Nate called me last night to educate me on this one. It will pull in comments, you can put together the format you want, etc. Have fun!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ann Missed Her Calling

Blogger Elizabeth said...

I am not! (Reconstructing history, just to keep things straight.) I only tell it like it is (was).
And, yes, if you want something zany, Cold Comfort Farm, it is. Another thing that Ann has influenced me into purchasing. Shall I make a list? The Ronco Rotisserie, my grain mill, the Vita-Mix, various patterns, including one for a swing jacket that we'll never make, various movies, books, including Square Foot Gardening and Think Thin, needlework patterns, my Pfaff sewing machine, and on and on and on. Sorry, Judy, you used to be the leader in this, but only as far as fabric goes. Frankly, it's been lots of fun, and Ann is an incredible shopper - it's like having your own personal shopping guide - saves me an incredible amount of time. And how did we move from here to there? Don't ask.

March 31, 2009 10:27 AM

Monday, April 6, 2009

When It's Springtime......

I have borrowed this photo from Dwight's archives. Just as his photo of the lilacs brought to remembrance the sweet perfume, so does the picture of cleaning the barnyard remind me of a certain smell. How I would love a good load of this stuff for my garden!
Addition by Dwight: Oh my gosh, what a wonder the manure loader was. For all of those years before, each load of manure was hand forked into the manure spreader--backbreaking work. But look at that contraption: It took forever to attach that complicated maze of equipment to that poor old anemic John Deere. And note the combination of tractor power and horse power with Pet and Babe. One of the first loads was typically spread on the garden which ensured another bountiful harvest so the bog clods would produce enough for another year. And the Penrose church is in the background. I can smell it all now. I don't think any of us ever understood or fully appreciated just how hard Dad worked and how much backbreaking manual labor he did to make it possible for all of us to survive.