Friday, April 2, 2010

Great-uncle Isaac Wasden

This is another picture of our great-uncle, Isaac Wasden. Even though he lived in Garland, in what used to be the old bank, I can't remember ever meeting him. Do a search of the blog, using the "B" search in the upper left hand corner of this page to see a later picture of him. He was Grandpa Wasden's half brother. There is quite a story of his marriage and how he ended up living in Garland. Check out the Wasden family bulletins that you all have in your files.

1 comment:

  1. I am on a hunt for Uncle Isaac's wedding certificate that is somewhere in my well organized mess. I will post it one of these days. There are a couple of memories of him and the fact he lived in Garland. I remember sitting in the car outside a building on the west side of the main road (across from the Post Office), while Mother went inside to do something, and listening to people/one people/person walk on the wooden boardwalk. I also remember something about his funeral, and that Mom and Dad brought home the old horse statue from his home. That statue was such a pain to dust, but it sat on the cabinet with the Books of Knowledge, scriptures, piano music that wouldn't fit in the piano bench, Saturday Evening Posts, etc in it.
