Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Wasden Family

This picture was taken from the Pocatello newspaper of Idaho's Attorney General, Lawrence Wasden. We assume that those bearing the Wasden surname may be distant relatives. Anyone see a resemblance to anybody in our branch of the family?


  1. Shall we check Ancestry to see what Wasdens live in Idaho? I think there is certainly a family resemblance - Russell? Pat??? If he is a good guy, we definitely want to claim him.

  2. Louise remembered that when we went to Rexburg, one of the families that was there was Willard and Myrtle Boylen Wasden. Would have to look in the family newsletters to find out how Willard and Grandpa are related.

  3. We're on this. Do you think this Wasden would claim us?

  4. Willard was the son of Nancy Arrilla, John Brooks' first wife, the one who raised Grandpa. He was Isaacs brother. While I'm on the subject, I don't think I have the story about Isaac coming to Garland, would like to know the story.

  5. P. S. Willard moved from Gunnison to Rexburg. I came across this little gem in Uncle David's story in which he tells about before Aunt Myrtle left to join Uncle Willard in Idaho she gave him a green felt hat that he would wear and butterflies would alight on the rim of it and he would catch them.
