Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Feel free to delete this without hurting my feelings, I just wanted to share this for a brief moment.  Last year I was given a gift, a miricle if you will.  In my enthusiasium for this gift I abused it.  I blossomed to the point that I couldn't use the bathroom scales anymore but I had to wiegh myself on the frieght scales at the shop to get any accuracy.

In February I decided that I was at a turning point that I didn't like and went on a diet.  For the first week I cut out bread, potatoes, pasta and milk.  I also cut out all snacks except for an orange quarter or an apple quarter. Then I set my limits.  I went from about 6 slices of bread a day to one slice of sour dough, ( sour dough is great for diets,) I went from 4 glasses of milk a day to a cup, I eat yams for the most part instead of regular potatoes, I eat a good variety of meats and fish, lots of vegetables and northern beans.

This is kind of a brief account of the change in my diet but the upshot is I have lost 40 pounds and 5 inches off my waist so far.  The benefits are enormous, my ankles no longer hurt when I walk, I haven't had heartburn in months, I can bend over and pick things up off the shop floor, my energy level is sky high, my noon nap is back to five minute instead of forty five, I don't get winded when I look at a set of stairs.  In short I am enjoying my gift more than ever now.

I think that I had to tell you this so that I will continue with the program.


  1. This does not get deleted from the blog! Recipes please.

  2. I think the recipes are there. The problem is, can we hold to it? Success is a better truth teller than anything else. Congratulations, Steve, Oh, and Happy Birthday! ;-) Love you, but I beat you this year.

  3. Your results are fantastic! Thank you for the day you made the big decision to change your life. Good job and keep going.

  4. More power to you! Keep it up! Strength comes in admiting and sharing. As you can tell, you have a cheering section.

  5. Inspiring. How many times have I done this? I guess I'll try once more.

  6. Steve, thanks for the inspiration. Dwight, we will just all work on this together. It is fun to see a way to get healthier.

  7. Steve, just a question. Has this helped with the pain in your feet and with your ability to walk better? I suspect I know the answer, but just thought it would be worth adding to this post.

  8. Why, yes Ann, I'm glad you asked. There isn't any pain anymore.

  9. I thought you already sent that. Are the comments getting so long that we forget to read the original posting? Sorry, Ann, that was not really a dig, was it? Oops. Didn't mean it. Someone needs to get busy and make a new posting, right? Love you all.

  10. There was a reason for my question - however, it didn't work the way I had hoped. No, I didn't forget what had already been posted. Just seeking a little more perspective while looking for motivation.
