Saturday, May 28, 2011

Go, Elizabeth, Go

Dwight had titled this photo file, "Liz climbing".  It seems appropriate on this, her 76th birthday, to note her non-stop attitude.  And may it always be so.  I hope this was a good day for you and may the adventures ahead be taken in hand just as climbing to the top was a few years back.  We love you!  Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Judy. This picture depicts a special day where Dwight and I recorded our life in the beet field. Mother and Daddy were absent - we were tired of manual labor, and climbed to the banks of the canal, and wandered on the path to the sand hills, where we took turns climbing and taking pictures. A good day! And am I that agile today? Probably not, but, oh, well.
