Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Birthday Party

The special entertainment was a bagpiper. I was so caught by surprise and loving bagpipe music the second I heard the sound from the hall I broke down and cried. It was so amazing what my kids thought of for me.

As you can tell, I enjoyed it immensely.

Kevan's group, Lattigo, entertained throughout the evening. Here they are playing Happy Birthday.

Kevan getting into Orange Blossom Express. He is amazing. (Does my motherly pride show?)


  1. "He is amazing," are the exact words that I heard from Elizabeth, Ann and Dwight as they described Kevin and his music. So Louise, you must be right. I love seeing how happy you are. And the quilts are an extra treat!

  2. So I came across your blog doing some family History. Mariane Werlin Danielsen is my 4th Great Grandmother through Hilda Olsen Quarnberg. I have just started into family history! Do you have any other information on Marianne that would be of help to me?

  3. And maybe some contact info would have been good! My email address is mcurtis1208@hotmail.com THANKS

  4. Thank you, Louise. The evening was so great, but we couldn't look or be everywhere at once.This helps a lot. I kicked myself later because I didn't even go around and look at the quilts. Another time?
