Saturday, July 23, 2011

Here's Whatcha Do

Dear Louise, This is the whole story about your book on vintage sewing. I found the book on line right before Judy's birthday. Called Ann, and asked her if she thought it would be good for Judy and for your birthday. We looked at some of the pages on Amazon (I think), and then decided that all four of us should have the same book. So, Ann was already putting in a book order at Amazon, so she said she would order her own birthday present (why wait until December 1st?). I proceeded to put in an order (I thought) for the other three books. A couple of weeks went by, and I realized that no books had come. Back to Amazon, My Account, and there was no evidence of an order - what hadn't I done? So, naturally, the thing to do was to place another order, which I thought I did. (Note: I order books from Amazon all the time, and never had any problem. In fact, two other orders came from them in the same time I thought this order should come.) Again, no books, and Ann had had hers for some time. Soooo - the third time is the charm, right? The books finally came - in time for my birthday, two months after the intended first order should come. The upshot was that now we had to figure out who owed who what for what book. Your book, Louise, was to be your birthday present from the three of us. Judy was gang-pressed into paying her fair share for the three gifts. How do you figure this out? Ann finally came up with the following solution, which is pretty darned good, I think. However, Judy had to mess the whole thing up by sending me too much money, so now I owe her something like $3.64. Sigh. We're just sorry that you couldn't have been laughing with us while all of this nonsense was going on. The one thing I'm struck by is how simplified the sewing and fashions were in the late 1920s. Love, Elizabeth

Ann came to the rescue with the following solution.

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Ann Tanner

> Date: June 1, 2011 11:30:35 AM MDT

> To: Bob and Judy Petersen , Gage

> Subject: Here's Whatcha Do Maybe

> This is a story book problem at its best.

> Major accounting issue:

> 1. Louise's book $20.00 divided by 3 = 6.35 paid by E. J. A.

> 2. Judy's book $20.00 divided by 2 = 10.00 paid by E. A.

> 3. Elizabeth's book $20.00 divided by 2 = 10.00 paid by J. A.

> 4. Ann's book $20.00 divided by 2 = 10.00 paid by E. J.

> So, now, who owes what to whom, you ask.

> Well - here's whatcha do.

> Elizabeth bought three books, Ann bought one book.


> Elizabeth, Judy and Ann send Elizabeth 6.35 each for Louise's book.


> Elizabeth and Ann pay 10.00 each for Judy's book.


> Judy and Ann pay 10.00 each for Elizabeth's book.


> Elizabeth and Judy pay 10.00 each for Ann's book.


> So each one of us owes $26.35 somewhere, somehow.


> Now, this is where it gets tricky.


> Judy sends Elizabeth $16.35 for Louise's book and Elizabeth's book. She sends 10.00 to Ann for her book (that she bought for herself, so does this qualify? If so, I can see a small business with potential. Shall I let you know when I buy more books?).


> Ann would normally (Is any of this normal????) send Elizabeth $26.35 for Judy's and Elizabeth's and Louise's books, but since she got in a hurry and bought her own book (yes, some of us remember to click on "place order" on Amazon so it doesn't take forever for an order to arrive), and paid for it herself, she really complicated matters. Elizabeth would owe Ann $10.00 for her (Ann's) book, however since Ann paid for it herself, but owes Elizabeth money, then this will balance (?) out. Ann will owe Elizabeth $16.35 - just wait - it will work out, maybe.


> Elizabeth would normally (? ?) send Ann 10.00 for her book and pay $16.35 for Louise's and Judy's books, but since she already paid for the books, that is Louise's and Judy's books, Elizabeth won't send anything to Ann, which will, in turn pay for part of Ann's portion.


> Now, the question is, does this balance out?

> Judy will pay $26.35. (She owes Ann $10.00 and Elizabeth $16.35)

> Elizabeth will pay $26.35, which she has already paid (she owes Ann $10.00, Ann owes her $26.35, so subtracting the $10.00, Ann now owes Elizabeth $16.35)

> Ann will pay $26.35, however see note directly above. So Ann owes $16.35.


> So - the total ins and outs should/will come to $79.05.


> Now, if Judy sends Elizabeth $26.35, then Ann will need to send Elizabeth only 6.35, because instead of Judy sending money to me (Ann) that I would then send to Elizabeth, it would definitely simplify ??????? the situation.


> And that's whatcha do. Whew, I am going to play in the flowers.


  1. I'm still laughing. Will the bill collector show up at my door - eventually? Only Ann's huge ability to tell us "Here's whatcha do" saves the day.

  2. Is there some kind of medication that will help me? I do sound like I need help. I have heard it said that laughter helps us stay young - and if that is the case, the day we went through that nonsense was one of the best.

  3. As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, . . ., how many were going to St. Ives? How come I never got a book?

  4. On Vintage Sewing from the 1920's? And here we've tried to get him to quilt for years. I s this our opportunity?

  5. Does that mean we have to recalculate who owes what to whom if we get Dwight a book? And then what if Steve wants a book?
    Is it strange that I keep hearing Dad, with a lilt in his voice, calling me a knuckle head?

  6. When you start the calculations as to how much we each owe when Dwight gets a book, please take into account that I sent Elizabeth $30.oo not the 27 and change. That was to help with the postage. I would suggest that Ann refigure the amounts taking into consideration those who had extra postage costs to bear. Louise, this is all your fault that we thought your birthday deserved a present. And we wanted one too.
    Does Steve want a book?

  7. Steve, explain yourself. On what evidence do you make that statement. I got lost somewhere along the way. (Oh, that one is open to further comment.)

  8. There's evidence. Can not. ( for two different people)

    We can let the "lost" comment slide for now.

  9. Ann, I know Steve is making reference to a certain check. Look in your purse.

  10. The mystery deepens, but I think I have enough clues to come to a conclusion. Maybe.

  11. I dutifully went to the bank and cashed the check last week. Ok, so maybe it was after Steve called and asked my why I hadn't cashed the check and I had to ask "what check". But all is in order - now. Maybe?

  12. The questions that deserves an honest answer are: Does Dwight want a book? Does Steve want a book? If so, then Ann must redo the calculations as to who owes what and to whom. She is very thorough and accurate. And you must let Elizabeth order the books)as she has a special knack for doing so.

  13. At least you don't have to pay up right away. And, since the book was only a gift without strings to Louise, then the whole thing would have to be recalculated so that we could include the cost for Steve's and Dwight's books - which I can't imagine they would want, anyway? Making slips and aprons 1920's style? Not.

  14. No, I think that Dwight is ready to bite. He told me he doesn't want to be left behind. So now we can reference the apron on page 32 and he'll be able to check on it and be more informed.

  15. Have we worn this out? Dwight definitely needs the nightie pattern. One thing about it, the patterns are simple, and won't take long to make.

  16. Further developments are to come.

  17. Can't we wait until I get my book done?

  18. I never said I wanted the dang sewing book. I just didn't like being left out of the funds disbursement, like manna from heaven.

  19. The only one who got money was me, myself, and I, and that's because I ordered three books in the first place. Case closed?

  20. Has anyone read the stupid book?

  21. No wonder the government can't solve the debt crisis if no one can do arithmetic.

  22. Of course we're reading the book - I'm on summer. Does that pique your interest? And who says we can't do math. Perhaps if our resident economist put his mind to it, he could figure out a better way?

  23. And be sure to include postage in all calculations. Since that is an arbitary amount, you will have to do serious research!

  24. Who cares about vintage sewing?

  25. It's because we are Vintage, too. With a capitol V

  26. Doesn't anyone have anything they are supposed to be doing?

  27. Judy does - she's playing in the flowers when she's not adding comments to this blog. Guess I'll be off to do the same.

  28. I can't believe all of this has been going on while I was trying to learn something at the Family History Conference at BYU. I think there must be something I can do to help move this along.
    Also, I see a flaw in my calculations. I did leave out postage so perhaps we should start all over again? Or not.

  29. But, remember, I paid no postage to Amazon. The only postage I paid was to Judy - Ann received her own book (Did you pay postage?), My book came to me, and we hand delivered Louise's book. Voila, takes care of the postage. That's why I owe Judy some money. (How much was it, Judy?) Such high finances are beyond me anyway, and this is the Sabbath, so I shouldn't even have to think about it.

  30. But the question is: Does Dwight need to pay postage? I think he does and that he should....

  31. When you get your book, Dwight, check out page 40.

  32. It took a while to catch on. Have we set a record? We need to continue so that Dwight will have something to do unless he really does quit his blog, shut down his computer, and settle for watching Matlock reruns into eternity.
