Monday, July 30, 2012

Liz, Dwight, and the Pitchfork Battle

The title of this picture is "Liz, get your hand off this pitchfork."  The look on my face is one of utter disgust; the look on Liz's face is, "I can if I want to."  This photo remains a classic.

Horses and an Unidentified Woman at Sunlight Early 1930s

As many countless times as I have seen this photo from Mother's collection, I never noticed until I blew it up that a woman was standing by the horse on the right.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Watermelon Picnic at JB Wasdens 1933

I reworked this classic picture the best I could.  Scene on lawn in front of Grandma and Grandpa Wasden's.
Louise, Mom, Elna (can't tell if she's holding a baby), Peggy, Uncle Oscar with watermelon, Grandpa Wasden.  Back, Uncle Orvil, Grandma Wasden holding Dwight.  I especially treasure this picture because it is the only one in existence where I am being held by Grandma Wasden.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dwight (future Economics Professor) in the Melon Patch

Apparently this year (probably 1933) was the first and last year when weather conditions were perfect for growing cantaloupe because I don't remember that we ever succeeded again.

Happy Birthday to Louise

Here it is July 14.  Velna told me a week ago to send a card, but my busy itinerary intervened.  Maybe this will do until I get a card sent, and it's always better to string one's birthday out just as long as possible.  Dear oldest sister and sibling, we all share this day with you and send our love and best wishes. Thank you for making grade school so boring by being my teacher.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Carneyville Wyoming

This is for sure Veronika (Sarah).

Monday, July 9, 2012

Photos of Penrose and Dwight's Two Oldest Boys

 This is a sad lesson in why we shouldn't crop photos.  These are photos I took of Dwight's two oldest boys, Russell and Ron, when they came to Penrose for a visit.  The first photo shows a few more fun things about the living room, (besides two cute, mischievous boys) before the radio died, and the gas heater/stove was replaced with the wall heaters.
 This photo is fun because it shows some of the outbuildings (chicken coop!!!) and a very young Ron.

Note the truck loaded with hay, the garden tractor shed, and the light pole that so often served as home base, or in the case of baseball, first base.  I just thought these showed a few things that were worthwhile to share.  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Penrose Photos

This photo was taken when Uncle Stanley came to visit.

Dad's shop in Penrose.

This is a fun photo that shows the old cellar etc.

Just Something Fun For Sunday

The note on the back of this is unfamiliar handwriting, but it says "Russell M. Blood at Dewey Riddle Ranch about 1930"

There is no note on the back of this photo, but it shows Mother and her cute car (I am assuming that is her car) so well.
Do you think Dad was happy or was he proving a point?  Same car in the background.

Dwight, Dad, Elizabeth in the Bean Field

One of the all-time favorite pictures of early Penrose

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

More History

This is a photo that is new to me (ok, so it was in my stuff???).  It is a photo of the Dewey S. Riddle Ranch in Painter Wyoming.  The date on the photo is 1931.  Dudes and a/the dudette??  The original is very small and not terribly clear, but once again it shows a part of the ranch house and a really neat car.

These are people we need to know.  From left to right, Rose Kray (Krajicek) Allgeier, Helen Kray (Krajicek) McGinnis, Elsie Kray (Krajicek) Riddle and Ann/Nance Kray (Krajicek) Rice.  These are the sisters of our Grandmother Louise.  Photo was taken in 1955.
This photo was taken in 1949 and is of two of Louise's brothers, Joe and Henry.

Dad often commented about how hard it was to not know much about his family (as in Aunts and Uncles, etc.).  This note from Rose to Mary Quick (she married Roscoe after Louise died) suggests, I think, there was longing on both sides.

This is a tiny photo of Great Grandmother Veronika. Not of great quality, but here you go.

This is a photo Elizabeth shared with me several years ago.  Veronika Mach Kray is in the front and her sisters are behind her.  Elizabeth was not sure who was who, but their names are Antoinette (maybe Greenwald?), Anna and Kathrine "Kate".  Any ideas?  Again a very old and poor photo, but it may be helpful somehow.
I know this is a long post, but I have got to pass on stuff that I should have taken care of years ago.  Hopefully some of this is worthwhile to someone.