Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pictures from Reunion of 1978

 Sorry the pictures are so dark, fuzzy, etc. but they do tell a story.  Top picture, left to right, as far as I can determine, Louise, in front of her, Mark, Bob and Judy, Hillary, ?, Paul, ?, Steve, and the two in front are Kristen, and Shannon, with Kemp.  (Correct me if you think differently - you can double-click on the pictures to enlarge them.
 Left side, back to front: Linda (now Consoliver), John T., Kemp, Shannon, Kristen; Right side, back to front:  Mother, Dad, Brig, Greg T., ?, Jim T., Dorothy, Shannon B.
Left side, front to back, Gary Paul, Rex Baker, Louise; Middle row:  Steve, Pam, Mark, Judy, Hillarie, Cheryl; Next row:  Linda, Tony, Kemp; and last row, Mom, Dad, Brig.  Memories are tied up in pictures, even those as poor as these - especially when they are good memories!


  1. Taking pictures while people are eating is about the only time you can get them all together. In that last one were are watching something interesting on the stage maybe? It's fun to see the kids and adults sitting side by side and all mixed together.

  2. There should be a place to comment about the new head picture Dwight has put on the blog - and the side pictures, too (although I was not tired of the Jackson Fork pictures.) What a zinger! Beautiful!

  3. I tried not to overpower our blog with the framed dahlia, but I couldn't figure out how to make it smaller. I couldn't find a size adjustment anywhere. Anybody know? I feel like I'm tinkering with community property when I change the background and header, but I thought maybe we could all use an infusion of color to cheer us up. DB
