Friday, August 31, 2012

Wasden Daughters with Their Mother

How I wish that this photo was clearer!  I don't know where I got this and maybe it has been posted before, but I saw it in my files today and fell in love with it all over again.
Grandma Tilda with her floweredy dress smiles as she is surrounded by her daughters.  Left to right: Elna, Sofe, Grandma, Cindy and our mother, Minnie.


  1. I love this photo. Can't you hear the laughter? I wish we knew what they were talking/laughing about. Something, besides the people, that amazes me in this photo is the number of trees that grew around Grandma and Grandpa's house. For Wyoming that was quite an accomplishment.

  2. The softness of this picture does reflect the passing of time. So glad we have even these fuzzy memories to cherish.
