Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Next Generation

I know, if I had my own blog I would post this there, but since I don't, and since I have been encouraged to post this on Penrose Morning, here it is.

This is a link to an article that features Nate and a piece of his world. To be featured in this particular magazine is quite and honor, and to have the cover photo is another honor. Nate works hard and deals with some very difficult health challenges, so this is nice recognition for what he is doing.  I did forward this to brothers and sisters, so this is just in case other family members want to check out the article.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What Time of Day Was This Taken?

Check out the shadow - Again, my focus is horribly off, but this shows the burn barrell, and a little more of the Penrose scenery.
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More Photos in the Penrose House

Love the haircut and the shorts. The haircut was a "Judy dare". The shorts and tops we made that summer out of pink and white checks. If I recall correctly, we could wear them around home, but not to town. Some fun things in this photo - the bread bowl, the cast iron frying pan (which I have and use constantly), the electric stove - what else do you see?
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Steve, the great Chevrolet and The Truck

I love this photo of Steve. Does he look confident? Or does he look like he is off to conquer the world? Or does he look like "if Mom only knew"? I think we were headed to church the day this was taken. This was not Steve's normal attire. That car was amazing. Steve, remember when we were being followed on the cemetary road and we took off on a side road (who says that was a smart move?). The Chevie could go reallllllly fast. I think I was actually the one driving.
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I apologize for feeding the blog so much this morning. Recovering from the flu bug that was generously shared while we were together last week (thankfully it is about a 24 hour bug), has given time to just sit and start on the photo scanning again. I ran across this photo of handsome Steve and one of our many cute kittens. This does show a little more of the "guys" bedroom.
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Legs and the Repainted Bed

The pictures on the wall have changed. I wonder what they were? Judy is busy with something and now you can see the stencil on the end of the now blue bed. Books in the bookcase still remain a mystery. This negative is on the same negative strip as the one of Judy at the sewing machine and Steve crawling under the truck.
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More Judy

Judy played the cello during high school. The focus on this photo is not great, but it does give a little bit of a look at the added on room in the Penrose house. By the way, Judy was reallly good on the cello. She even mastered vibrato.
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The Rest of the Story

This photo of Judy is on the same negative strip as the one with Steve under the truck. Note the baseball glove on her left hand. Did she miss the ball and it went under the truck?
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Real Truck

What do you think that Steve is looking for????  Name this truck....year and model.  Remember when Mother laid the bricks so she could have a clean walk way?  I think I see a branch of the red roses I planted on the right edge of the picture.  Ann probably took this one too.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Treadle Sewing Machine

How did I ever get Ann to take all of these pictures?  I'm sure happy that she did as I think this is the only picture of the old sewing machine.  When did Mother get it?  And at what expense?  Most of our clothes were created with the foot power of this machine, including the shirt I am wearing.  Make a list!


Found at the bottom of a box, don't know how I missed it.  Who can forget these and the veneer ones attached to the rosewood circles.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pansy Curtains

A couple of years earlier with a more reasonable pose.  Notice the pansey curtains and Elizabeth's graduation picture on top of the chest of drawers.  I think we each had one drawer??? Everything fit just fine, one of the blessings of not having too much.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Day Dear Louise.......Happy birthday to you.

Here's Roy singing Happy Birthday to Louise!  She deserves to have that song sung in tune. 
Louise is everything Ann has said.  And whether she likes it or not she is our matriarch figure in this family in the absence of our mother.  May this be a very happy day and may you be gently reminded of the great love your family has for you.

Happy Birthday to Louise

(How is this for cheating? Elizabeth put this page together and now I am "borrowing" it, because I am too lazy to do my own, and also because I love the photos that are here - I can't do any better. So, after apologizing to Elizabeth, on to the important even of the day.)

Happy Birthday, big sister. What a dear friend you have always been to me. We have talked, laughed and cried together, you have encouraged me when I was sure I couldn't teach my R.S. lessons, you have put up with my silliness, and always been willing to overlook my flaws. Being a big sister can't be easy (having never been one), but the example you have set for me as you have found incredible ways to be happy when life isn't perfect will always be a source of encouragement for me.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Louise. Love you lots.
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It Wasn't Penrose

The thing about going out to Olympia to see Mom and Dad was . . .it wasn't Penrose.

Country Gentleman

I happened upon a delightful website of Country Gentleman Magazine Covers

Here are three examples that particularly caught my eye.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Curtains on the Windows

I suspect if I played with this photo I could cut back on the glare, but oh, well. And what can you see in this photo? Note, the curtains on the windows. I can't imagine Dwight lived in this room and didn't have curtains, unless he dressed and undressed in the dark.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lamps and Shades

Forget the glamorous girl, look at the lamp and shade....Do you ever wonder where it went?  Ann will know.