Thursday, June 12, 2014

We Haven't Changed A Bit

We were just a couple of little kids 50 years ago. There were sure a lot of things for us to learn. I guess 50 years isn't much when compared to eternity, but it is hopefully a good start. 


Elizabeth said...

I think that there was a very important anniversary here - You are more mature, more skilled, wonderful parents, and all of the polishing that has taken place in those 50 years has turned out a couple of very wonderful people!

Ann said...

Thank you for being so kind.It has been, and continues to be, an amazing journey.

Judy said...

I wish I knew what happened to my copy of this picture that I love so much. But now I can always find it on the blog. Shouts of joy and acclaimation are earned by the milestone reached by Ann & Paul. Your example is storybook quality. Congratulations!

Dwight said...

Amazing what can happen in 50 years when you get started on the right road. Congratulations.