Monday, April 18, 2011

Bloods and Wasdens in Olympia 1981

 Shannon and Ross
 Sheryl, baby, and Dad
 The Wasden siblings, minus David: Sofe, Brooks, Elna, and Cindy
A contest for captioning this photo


Ann said...

Good photos of what seems like a very long time ago. I guess it was.

Elizabeth said...

A contest? I couldn't even name my cats and dogs - naming children was even harder, and you want us to caption this hat picture? What a challenge - I'll think about it.......

Judy said...

How about "Two Sombreros" or "One Cowboy and One Dude" or "The Twins"?

Elizabeth said...

Judy, you must get the prize - you're the only one to find names!

Steve Blood said...


Judy said...

Steve wins?

Louise Blood said...

I'm back in the saddle again.