Tuesday, May 31, 2011

So - What DO You Remember?

Elizabeth's birthday note for Steve gave me an idea - a reallllly good idea. At least I think it is. For those of us who are younger it would be fun to know what memories any of you have about when we were born. I realize that Elizabeth wrote some about Steve, Dwight added a quick note, but is there more? Dwight has written a little about when I was born, i.e. the Dr's. car being gone from the clinic on Bent (?) St. so he figured there would be a new baby when he got home. Was it ever discussed at home that a new baby was on its way? Etc. etc. What was going on at home? Where did we sleep? You know, just some of the real things that we don't know.

Now, lest this suggestion be misunderstood, I realize that some will have no memory (of the newly arrived siblings, that is) because they were too little or weren't born yet, so that lets Steve and me and perhaps even Judy, off the hook. And that would mean this would be an opportunity for Elizabeth, Dwight and Louise to delve into their memory banks and "share". So - what do you remember about when Judy was born? When I was born? When Steve was born? This has the potential of being journal writing at its best - you write and we will read.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, Steve!

These two pictures of Steve were taken a few years ago during the only visit we ever made to their upstate New York home and shop. I like them, because I think they reflect his great attitude toward life. I'm sure that he has perhaps aged a teeny bit since these pictures were taken, but it couldn't be too much, right, Steve? Steve was always the pesky little brother who had so much fun in life. The one grumpy time I remember was when he was nine, and Dad lowered the weight of the hay bales to 25 pounds each, so that Steve and I could build the piles. He did grumble a bit, and I suspect that the work was hard for him. It was for me, and I'm just a girl. I remember the day he was born. Mother was wearing the bright flowered smock (one of my favorite tops), and Aunt Sofe and Aunt Cindy came by the house with flowers, trying to talk Mother into going to the Penrose cemetery with them to put flowers on Uncle Orville's and cousin Lois Johnson's graves. Mother refused them, and later, in a practical manner, said that after all, they weren't really there. Later in the afternoon, things began to stir, as Mother sent Daddy to Grandma's house to call Dr. Coulston, and instead of asking us girls to make her bed, she was busy doing that. (I had been unaware that another baby was on its way - I just loved the prettier tops she wore.) As Mother was getting the sheets down from her closet, Dwight told her that the baby had to be a boy, as he was tired of so many sisters. He certainly wasn't thinking - there was 11 years difference, and he didn't really get to know Steve until in later years. All of us but Louise trekked across the field to Grandma and Grandpa Wasden's house. Louise stayed behind to bake the bread that had been rising, and then came, also. I don't remember what time Dad came across the field to announce Steve's birth, but it was almost dark when we got home. Steve was lying on a pillow, and I can still visualize him filing the length of the pillow with his lanky body. Mother later said that he weighed a little over 12 pounds at birth - quite a feat for such a tiny woman.

I always think of Steve and Ann together, getting into all sorts of mischief. Later, Steve was a buddy - someone interested in art and drawing, as I was. Then there were the difficult years, the years of not being available to each other, etc. But we've been back on track for a long time, and are so thankful that Mother and Dad had six children to make our family complete. You may be the last, but you're certainly not the least. Love you, and hope your day is a good one.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Liz and the White Cat: There's More Here Than Meets the Eye

I ran this photo through several filters to try and figure out what was in the background through the screen door.  I deduced that this back step was for the original two room house where the kitchen was where Dad later had his shop.  Thus, the image through the door must be the stove.  Study the picture carefully and tell all the stories.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Go, Elizabeth, Go

Dwight had titled this photo file, "Liz climbing".  It seems appropriate on this, her 76th birthday, to note her non-stop attitude.  And may it always be so.  I hope this was a good day for you and may the adventures ahead be taken in hand just as climbing to the top was a few years back.  We love you!  Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Feel free to delete this without hurting my feelings, I just wanted to share this for a brief moment.  Last year I was given a gift, a miricle if you will.  In my enthusiasium for this gift I abused it.  I blossomed to the point that I couldn't use the bathroom scales anymore but I had to wiegh myself on the frieght scales at the shop to get any accuracy.

In February I decided that I was at a turning point that I didn't like and went on a diet.  For the first week I cut out bread, potatoes, pasta and milk.  I also cut out all snacks except for an orange quarter or an apple quarter. Then I set my limits.  I went from about 6 slices of bread a day to one slice of sour dough, ( sour dough is great for diets,) I went from 4 glasses of milk a day to a cup, I eat yams for the most part instead of regular potatoes, I eat a good variety of meats and fish, lots of vegetables and northern beans.

This is kind of a brief account of the change in my diet but the upshot is I have lost 40 pounds and 5 inches off my waist so far.  The benefits are enormous, my ankles no longer hurt when I walk, I haven't had heartburn in months, I can bend over and pick things up off the shop floor, my energy level is sky high, my noon nap is back to five minute instead of forty five, I don't get winded when I look at a set of stairs.  In short I am enjoying my gift more than ever now.

I think that I had to tell you this so that I will continue with the program.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fun Notes about Orvil Wasden and Wasden Family

I received this email from Patsy Sorensen (at least I think it is Patsy because Julian always says he doesn't like computer stuff!). It has some neat insights into Grandpa Wasden, Orvil and Aunt Cindy. I will hopefully see Patsy and Julian in June and am thinking I may invest in the little page scanner that is portable, so I can scan the pages of the Family and Temple Records book they have. Wouldn't that be fun for everyone to have access to? Cousin Newell Sorensen was good enough to drop off Grandpa Wasden's missionary journals and a couple of notes that have been carefully preserved in the little wooden box he has kept them in. I will get those copied/scanned at BYU and get them on the sharing list. What fun it is to have access to all of these treasures.

"I am going through totes that have been ticked away for too long. Found a half sheet of paper where Lucinda had written a couple of memories of Orvil. Unfortunately, the last experience doesn't have an ending. Thought you might want to share this on your blog and maybe someone else can tell us about 'breaking up the setting hens.'

Also there is a wonderful book here called Family and Temple Records. It has lists of all the Wasden children - birth, baptism, confirmation, endowment, missions and patriarchal blessings. I found it interesting that the 3 oldest Wasden children all received their partriachal blessing on the same day 18 Feb. 1906 by Jas. C. Berthelson. The younger four all had their partriarchal blessings on 5 August 1928 by the same patriarch.

I will bring this book when I come to Lehi in June, if you would like to see it. The handwriting is beautiful, what a change from our current use of keyboards. I also have a letter that Grandpa Wasden sent to Lucinda in 1932. I am going to re-type it, hopefully today, and will send you a copy.

I love being a voyeur on Penrose Mornings. I 'stole' the picture of the 4 Wasden's (Brooke, Elna, Sophie and Lucinda) and posted it on our family web-site. Hope you don't mind. By that point Lucinda was starting to balk at having her picture taken at family events, so it was a great find!!!"

(This is a letter that I found in a tote from Norman and Lucinda's house. It is a letter from Grandpa Wasden to Lucinda when she was living in California with her brother Brooks and his wife Lorraine. The date indicates that it was during the depression and James indirectly refers to that. I have left the spelling and punctuation in its original form)

Garland, Wyo Dec. 23.32

Dear Lucinda,

Just a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. How are you and all the folks by this time? Just one year yesterday morning since we left you in that far away with your brother and sister. And how that something swells within me with gratitude for I have never felt uneasy as to your safety, and my gratitude go out to Brooks and Lorraine for the part they have taken. For as I see the picture of a year ago I compair it with a picture of menny years ago when a little shaver went to heard sheep for his uncle for $16.00 per month, wearing one boot and one shoe. And when we left here a year ago we all felt that if we could slide by the first year, the second year would see some relief, and so you have gone to without a murmur, and now only to realize aditional disapointments await us. But these are things that faid (while they are good as a means to an end) But things as I have mentioned are things that live on and on, and while we may be put to the test I know we shall not be forsaken as long as we remember to keep and do His biddings He whos birthday we celebrate on the 25th So when we see the real things of life predominating had not the Xma Spirit permate the very air we breath. How I wish the little groop down there could join us at Elna, Then it would seem compleet -But self desires again must step aside. And as I supose mamma told you all that is new I must close for this time with a Merry Christmas to all; and dont forget to write soon.
Im as ever your father,

Jas. B. Wasden

(Note written by Patsy Sorensen, wife of Julian Sorensen) By way of explanation, Orvil was Grandma Lucinda's brother. He was three years older than Lucinda and they were very close. He died in a house fire as a young married husband and father. These are a few of the thoughts that Lucinda wrote down.)

"Orvil liked good books, good music, good movies and any thing that ran by motor. One Sunday afternoon, out of sheer boredom and with Dad's grudging permission, we drove the old Model T to Powell. The tires were thin and the trip turned out to be a hilarious race to see how far we could go between blow-outs. The tubes were well covered with patches and our supply of patching almost depleted by the time we got home.

Many winter nites when the moon was bright and the temperature often as low as 40 degrees below zero, we would hitch Jack and Mike to the flat sled and go visit some of the neighbors - or if that was too much trouble, we set off on foot across the fields.

During haying season, if Dad was not able to help, we would get up about 4 a.m., harness and hitch up the horses and get a load of hay - Orvil pitching on, and me on the wagon - before chore time and breakfast. Those early morning conversations covered a wide range of subjects (including an appreciation for the beautiful sunrises), serious, frivolous and I'm sure - even silly, punctuated with a fair amount of giggling.

One of our favorite sports was "breaking up the setting hens." If you remember the long bridge across the ditch at the corner of Grandpa's lot - that's where the deed was done - and surprisingly with Grandma's blessing, though she didn't expect us to go quite as far as we did at times. In the early summer the laying chickens would decide that one of the nests in the chicken coop was their exclusive property and would sit there indefinitely, laying an egg each in hopes of satisfying their maternal instincts by hatching out their eggs. Needless to say... "
(unfortunately the tale ends there and I haven't been able to find the 'rest of the story' as Paul Harvey used to say.) Maybe someone from the Blood family can finish the tale for us.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Six Blood Children of Russell and Minnie Blood: at Dad's Funeral 1993

The resolution on this camera isn't very good, but the photos might have some historical relevance.  From left to right, Steve, Ann, Judy, Elizabeth, Dwight, and Louise

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Remembrance

I see strawberry runners in the foreground, gladiolus to the right and in the far distance next to the tractor rows of summer garden vegetables.  And Mother with her home sewn jeans with elastic around the waist for a classy fit, and a long sleeved, tail out shirt is surveying her world.  In this garden in Tumwater, WA or the gardens in Ralston, or Penrose what plant would dare not to grow under her watchful eye.
For that matter, which of her children, dared not to grow and achieve as we lived, also under her loving care.  I find it harder to grow without the gardener, but comforting to remember earlier feeding and pruning.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

James Preston Hawkins

This unidentified photo has been in the "unknown" collection of old family photos.  A year or so ago, strictly by deduction, Shannon and I came to the conclusion that it "might" be James Preston Hawins, our g-g-g-grandfather, (Roscoe Blood, Sarah Batty Hawkins Blood, James Preston Hawkins).  Yesterday, Steven Lukins, also a direct line of J.P. Hawkins,  forwarded the same picture with the following: "The picture was labeled by Myrtle as James Preston Hawkins her grandfather. "  Now we have positive identification.  Welcome, James Preston Hawkins to the family gallery.