Saturday, May 5, 2012

Baby Louise Taking a Bath in the Yard 1932?

No remedies existed for this photo.  However, it tells so many stories the way it is--the summer day, the wash on the line, Louise in the washtub in the yard, the orchard trees--this yard was a part of our lives.


Elizabeth said...

Bathing beauty. The picture says a lot - it's such a good idea to keep the whole picture. Laundry wasn't easy to do in those days. A hot summer day would be ideal for laundry-bath day. The all-purpose tub - used for rinsing clothes, bathing people, and an outdoor pool on this day.

Ann said...

This makes me want to put up enough of a clothesline so I can hang newly washed sheets out in the sunshine. Remember the smell of those sheets when we would climb into bed?
Louise looks very content. At least Mother knew where she was for a few minutes.

Steve Blood said...

want to put up a clotheline or take a bath in the yard?

Judy said...

Clotheline, yes. Bath, no.

Judy said...

is that supposed to be clothesline?

Ann said...

Hmmm - seriously?? I didn't say anything about a bath. However, this does make me stop and consider the possibilities, before quickly moving on to other things.

Steve Blood said...

Think of the possibilities, it's like an old Clint Eastwood movie. Wash the clothes in the tub, hang the clothes on the line for privacy, repurpose the water for your bath. Think of it the chickens milling about, a good novel... possibilities abound.

Dwight said...

Now we're getting some where.

Judy said...

But who comes riding into the yard? Ace?