Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother and Ann Pitching Hay

This photo must be one that Liz took, but thought I would post it here anyway.  What a classic photo of rural life in Penrose.


Steve Blood said...

Thanks, I don't think that I have ever seen this.

Ann said...

Love this photo. Mother is actually smiling while pitching hay. Who would have ever guessed times were just a little tough. Don't you love the pose?

Judy said...

Very cute. It must not have been hot yet, as Mother has a scarf on her head and no famed brimmed sun hat.

Ann said...

Or, this was during the time when we washed our hair once a week so she was keeping the hay dust away. The long sleeves were probably to protect her arms. My short sleeves probably tell that I was a "gold bricker" and not a laborer.

Elizabeth said...

You were just there to encourage and to smile for the camera. Who knows what time of year?